Best for Babes

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fenugreek Fondness

A friend of mine recently gave birth to a (large) baby boy. She said she was going to start fenugreek yesterday. It just reminded me of my fondness of fenugreek and of how much fenugreek saved me!

Fenugreek is (this is just off the top of my head, by the way) an herb that is in maple syrup...correct me if I'm wrong. So, it smells very good! I took 3 pills 3 times per day (this is, by the way, not medical advice, it is only my personal experience). After about 48 hours or so, I noticed a difference in my milk supply.

I've had to take fenugreek a couple of times over the course of breastfeeding my baby. The stuff is awesome! I've recommended it to all my friends who are nursing their babies.

So, if you're pregnant or if you had or are having issues with your milk supply, talk to your lactation consultant, midwife, or physician about fenugreek. My wonderful OB (who sadly moved to New Hampshire) was actually the one who suggested fenugreek. You don't need a prescription to get it! Also, it is sold at health food stores and places like GNC.

I love fenugreek!

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