Not much to blog about...just wanting to post something.
We've been in our new home for THREE whole weeks! It feels great despite boxes that still need to be unpacked.
It only takes 10 minutes for to get to work...depsite being more than twice the distance as the apartment. It took 10 minutes to go 2 miles. Now it takes 20 minutes to go 7 miles, or something like that.
I actually get home earlier. Because I don't do any backtracking when I pick up Addison.
I don't hear sirens. Buses. People. Or anything really. I love the silence. We did hear an ambulance the other day. Greg ran outside to see what was going on. We really only did that sometimes in the apartment, mostly just to take a look or let Addison see the ambulance. This time, we really wondered what happened. Big different.
Even though my drive is farther, I don't have as many choices for nasty/yummy (i.e. donuts, pastries, & coffee) on the way to work.
Addison loves her new house. She can run around. She even plays all by herself.
We're all much happier and relaxed! Yea!